Thursday, November 12, 2009

Attention all Oprah (and Sarah Palin) fans:

2008 Republican vice presidential candidate and ex-governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, is scheduled to appear on The Oprah Show next week. The previously taped, exclusive interview airs Monday, Nov. 16. Oprah asks everything from the infamously horrible Katie Couric interview to the Levi Johnson fiasco. And, as you may have heard mentioned a time or two before, Palin has a new book coming out. It’s called “Going Rogue: An American Life.” So, as you can imagine, Palin will be using the air time to plug her book as well.

After leaving Harpo studios, Palin wrote on her Facebook page that the unlikely pair had such a great conversation that they even ran overtime.

Being an avid Oprah watcher myself, I can’t help but to point out the irony: Oprah, arguably Obama’s biggest celebrity supporter, interviewing Palin, the losing opponent's running mate. Well one thing’s for sure, it shall be interesting. I know I already have my DVR set to record.

Here is a little sneek peek: