Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bad Math, Part 2

One plus one equals how many?!

When I was a high school sophomore, a teacher assigned us a book to read. It was The Population Bomb, by Dr. Paul Ehrlich. That I still remember it hints at its impact on me. Ehrlich's point was simple, obvious, and powerful: Virtually every problem the world faces today and will likely face in the future is related to overpopulation. Our 3rd Rock has finite space and finite resources, but its people have an unlimited capacity to procreate. According to Ehrlich, we could one day literally fuck ourselves out of existence! We're not there yet, happily, but the global population continues to increase. Can't continue forever.

Let's review the math: A man and a woman get together and reproduce. If they (and others like them) have just one child, population will decrease. If they have two children, population will be static (zero growth). If they have three or more children, population will increase. That's where the bad math comes in. Adding more and more people is just not a sustainable practice for the planet Earth.

I know that nobody wants to wear a raincoat in the shower, but hey, young men, gotta put on that party hat! Uneducated ignorant folks in developing nations have a decent excuse -- they're ignorant. Education will fix that. But people like Jon and Kate Gosselin and that sanctimonious couple with 18 kids and more proudly on the way are irresponsible dumbasses! They should be sterilized now!