Tuesday, June 29, 2010

K.O. Is O.K. By Me

Posted 6/29/10 on the Huffington Post

Keith Olbermann named Sarah Palin his Worst Person in the World Monday night on "Countdown," mocking the former Alaska Governor for her "stupidity."

Olbermann gave "Sister Sarah" the honor for her "gaffe-fest" at Cal State Stanislaus over the weekend, during which, he said, "she said, perhaps, 100 things that brand her as a phony."

"But none is more symbolic of her imbecility, her corner-cutting, her downright endorsement of stupidity instead of intelligence than this one," he said, introducing her false claim that Ronald Reagan attended "California's Eureka College."

"Eureka College is in Eureka, Illinois," Olbermann said. "Illinois, where Ronald Reagan was from. There is a town of Eureka in California, but it doesn't have a college. And Palin went to three different colleges and doesn't have an education. [Imitating Reagan's voice] Well, that woman is an idiot."


Buster says Olbermann is clearly correct. In the very same California speech, the Moose-Gutter also uttered the following, which is verbatim, I swear. If it makes the slightest bit of sense to you, then you speak Palinese far better than I:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights and among those life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and the genius of our founding fathers is that they took that, took what the Declaration of Independence called the laws of nature and of nature’s God, and those laws that as the apostle Paul says are written on our hearts, and these providential forefathers of ours they designed a Constitution that enshrined them and allowed people to live within them and it’s an awesome gift given to us in this Declaration of Independence which really was a declaration of responsibility too and in our Constitution including the Bill of Rights."
