Sunday, December 19, 2010

Julian Assange Conspiracy Theory - He's Working For Israel ! He's A Conservative Stooge !

It's been a while since I've delved into conspiracy theory - as I had so much fun with the BP Oil Spill - but runaway rapist and Wikileaks document dumper Julian Assange presents too juicy a target.

From thankfully unknown blogger Maidhc Ó Cathail, we get

It is surely just a coincidence that the law firm – Finers Stephens Innocent – which represents Julian Assange and set up the Julian Assange Defense Fund is also legal adviser to the Rothschild Waddesdon Trust; that the partially Rothschild-owned Economist gave Assange its 2008 Freedom of Expression Award; that Lord Rothschild is deputy chairman of BSkyB, whose warmongering chairman Rupert Murdoch and his propagandist father were lauded as fearless advocates of the truth by the WikiLeaks founder in an op-ed in the Murdoch-owned The Australian; that the only world leader “undoubtedly delighted” by the leaks, Benjamin Netanyahu – who often stays with Murdoch in London and has the award-winning pro-Israel media magnate on his “list of millionaires” (i.e. potential donors) – was singled out by Assange as a believer in diplomatic transparency; and that WikiLeaks has provided an unexpected “diplomatic coup” for the criminal state which was first promised to British Zionists in an enigmatic 1917 letter to an earlier Lord Rothschild.

FOX News, Zionists, and Jews, oh my! Of course, the fact that WikiLeaks is staffed head-to-toe with
anti-Semitic Holocaust deniers is just a cover, no doubt, for their radical Israel-first agenda...

Inadvertently, she hits our second theory in a roundabout way - that Assaange really is a right-wing nut working for the dark forces of the Republican underworld, as his cables seem to verify the conservative worldview:

....on the day after WikiLeaks’ publication of U.S. diplomatic cables, Netanyahu “strode” into a press conference at the Israeli Journalists Association, looking “undoubtedly delighted” with the group’s latest embarrassment of U.S. President Barack Obama.

....according to Haaretz columnist Ari Shavit, Julian Assange “has shattered the accepted dogma on the understanding in the Middle East in the 21st century.” WikiLeaks, crowed Shavit, “proved” that the Israeli occupation and colonisation of Palestine was not the main cause of instability in the Middle East. Instead, the secret cables “revealed” that “the entire Arab world” is concerned about “one problem only — Iran, Iran, Iran.” Thus, Shavit concluded, the only way to bring peace to the region was to deal with “Iran first.”

If we dare deviate from the "Jewish problem" for just a moment, we can also see that the WikiLeaks disclosures helped bring to light more than just the tomfoolery of Obama's Mideast diplomacy - it also revealed China's indifference to a unified Korea, Castro's love for Obama as well as his banning of Michael Moore's "Sicko" (lest the Cubans actually demand the "mythical health care" shown in this "mockumentary"), armed aggression by Iran against Americans soldiers, and the non-stop 24/7 incompetence of Hillary Clinton's State Department, from the mocking of allies to her demands that we spy on foreign diplomaticos...

Actually, it all kind of ties together. The US government, controlled by Jews, feeds Assange documents that helps the neo-con agenda, which he then releases to the Jewish-controlled media, which makes them public, which gets secret Zionist Murdoch's FOX News - America's #1 purveyor of information to the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy - involved in spreading the "message" of the WikiLeaks cables far and wide...

And the rape charge? Bogus but useful, it allows our government and all others controlled by the Zionist conspiracy to pretend that they attempted to apprehend and incarcerate him, and offer no more than a shrug and a "Hey -we tried" when he eventually gets legally vindicated, and is set free to disseminate more Neo-Zionist right-wing propaganda....

Thin soup, you say? Mayhaps. But they said that about my great Gulf Oil Spill Conspiracy Theory, and - alas for us all - that turned out to be a straight flush...

UPDATE: This guy has it all laid out:

Assange is tied directly into the worst of the American neo-con religious-extremist fascist cult that has become international and has been since his childhood. Their program is power over the world, initially through chaos, and then consolidation of power via a religious-extremist controlled police state to bring order out of chaos...WikiLeaks is a major contributor to chaos, justifying growing national militarization and security apparatus, all the while “Family” aligned politicians disingenuously protest WikiLeaks powerful service to their agenda...

UPDATE II: R.S. McCain has got a bunch 'o wacky Julian Assange conspiracy/apologist links as well...and check out the Lid for more...