The elite and the whores within the Ruling Government are never shy of spending millions to promote themselves or have a jolly good time overseas. Everyday they talk and demand we tighten our belts to save this country for the future generation but they themselves openly spend and spend like there is no tomorrow.
One of the big spender is none other than that first lady whore who is competing with Queen Rania, knowing fully well she is nothing short of being a lucky prostitute who can get away with murder under the protection of Tun Razak legacy. But there will come a time when karma will catch up with her and damn her to hell.
Through my years of growing up I have encountered and met many Prime Minister’s wives but none are as cruel and crazy for power as Rosmah. This one has no words to describe her except that we should send her to a mining hole where she can live alone with her obsession for money and power.
The hosting of the First Ladies Summit for 15 wives of heads of state mainly from African countries was revealed at RM4.5 million excluding miscellaneous. The Summit was not a success as claimed by the media. The First Ladies from the West and Asean countries knew of her hidden agenda (to promote herself) refused to come and play her game. So the whore was stuck with a roomful of black people whom she describe later as lowlife and dirty to those working with her.
The sum of RM4.5 million does not put a dent in Najib or Rosmah’s piggy as it is our money that was used. The whore has no right to use that amount to promote herself.
For the past six months the Welfare Department had deprived many folks of their RM300 per month allowance giving the excuse the Government has no money.
Then there is a case that I have approached MCA and certain MPs who did not have the decency to reply, to look into. The lady concern had been interviewed twice by Khairi, the officer who signed the letter and in charge of her case. Her application was approved in 2009. Since then every week the lady concern had been calling Khairi (office and handphone) and had even gone to the office to look for him. Funny thing is Khairi is always outstation or overseas. Why bother to give the handphone number but refused to answer her calls. The lady concern is not the only one who had her application approve and not receive a single sen. Last year I was asked to assist six poor and deaf children to get their allowance and got nowhere.
Many senior citizens and special people are been cheated off their allowance daily and the Welfare Department and Shahrizat another whore are not doing their job.
It would be good if the authorities can use their mega mouth to do a small mega job.