Old Bridge, NJ (08857) WeatherRight Now | Next 36 Hours |
Tonight | Tomorrow | Tomorrow Night | |
Snow / Windy | Blizzard | Snow Shower / Wind | Partly Cloudy / Wind |
24°F | 19° | 26° | 21° |
Feels Like: 8° | Low | High | Low |
Past 24-hr: | Chance of Snow: | Chance of Snow: | Chance of Snow: |
Wind: | Wind: | Wind: | Wind: |
Confused on how this jibes with warming theory as propounded by the Left? Then see this piece on our weather from the New York Times, in which your intellectual betters instruct you to close your eyes, close your mind, ignore common sense and everything your gut instinct as a thinking human being is screaming at you, as you are bidden to enter the Church of Global Warning, where all things, no matter how contrary to reality, can be explained by mere worship of the gods of climate change...