Monday, January 10, 2011

Democrats Jump On Giffords Assault To Push Anti-Gun Legislation

The Left did not even wait for the smell of gunpowder to dissipate before they began to apply the "never waste a crisis" mantra to the assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The media led the charge, accusing the Tea Party and the entire conservative population of America of essentially pulling the trigger (This did not change, mind you, even after they found out that shooter Jared Loughner was a Hitler-loving psychopath). Once the MSM softened up the ground a bit, Democratic legislators moved in, laws that restrict the rights of all Americans due to the action of one.

Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy uses what moral authority she has in an attempt to limit our 2nd Amendment rights:

Following a shooting in Arizona that seriously wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others, New York Democrat Carolyn McCarthy is preparing to introduce a new gun control measure on the floor of the House.

The law would ban larger magazines like the one allegedly used by shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner. Standard Glock magazines hold up to 15 bullets, but according to CBS News, Loughner’s magazine held up to 33.

“Looking at the number of clips that he was able to fire, from 15 to 20 rounds, we need to look at those and say, ‘Why should an average citizen be able to have that?’” McCarthy told New York’s Newsday. “If you have a semiautomatic and can’t take someone down with a standard clip, you shouldn’t have one.”

While I feel for McCarthy - who ran for Congress on an anti-gun platform after her husband and son were shot by LIRR madman Colin Ferguson - she certainly seems to have picked up quite the left-wing Washingtonian tone over the years. "Why should an average citizen be able to have that?" is an offensive question; her follow up statement about a "standard clip" is blithely ignorant as well - who knows how many bullets someone will need in any given situation? Carolyn McCarthy claims she does, and is willing to take away your ammunition, and maybe your life, based on her judgement - after all, she's in Congress, and you're just an average citizen, who's right to even carry a gun is questionable at best...

Kicker: While reading this piece in the NY Daily News on an occult shrine set up in Loughner's backyard (no shrine to Palin, no Gasden flag, no portriats of W., BTW), it included the following poll question on the sidebar:

Gun Control in the U.S.
What do you think of current gun laws in the United States?

*(1)Current laws are too strict. Any infringement upon gun owners' rights is an infringement upon the 2nd amendment.
*(2)Current laws are not strict enough. We need to regulate access to deadly weapons.
* (3) Not sure.

A set up for a huge response in support of Answer 2, right? Hmmm....seems like folks don't necessarily agree with their local Congresswoman, or their local media. Poll results as of 2PM:

(1)Current laws are too strict. Any infringement upon gun owners' rights is an infringement upon the 2nd amendment. 83%
(2)Current laws are not strict enough. We need to regulate access to deadly weapons. 1 4%
(3) Not sure. 3%

As with the media's attempt to blame the Tuscon massacre on the Right, Congresswoman McCarthy's attempt to use this tragedy as an opening to push through tighter gun control legislation will fail. The poll above explains why.

Will the professional Left ever learn that a crisis is not a window of opportunity to push their agenda? Or will it take a complete devaluation of whatever moral currency they still have remaining (sorry, Ms. McCarthy) for them to reform their absolutely amoral, opportunistic, and vindictive behavior?

Methinks the latter....