...short answer, no. But the Washington Post sure seems to think so. Headline writing as editorializing 101:
Jared Loughner's music choice, Drowning Pool's 'Bodies,' strikes chilling chord
On Jared Loughner's YouTube channel, a lone video is listed as a "favorite" of the alleged Arizona shooter. As a hooded figure wearing a garbage bag for pants limps across the desert to set fire to an American flag, a howling heavy-metal song called "Bodies" serves as the video's relentless soundtrack.
"Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor," the singer barks in a refrain that carries an eerie echo in the context of the shooting rampage Saturday in Tucson.
After they lead with an accusation, the WaPo offers a caveat:
Investigators haven't suggested a link between Loughner's violent outburst and "Bodies," a 2001 single by the Dallas band Drowning Pool.
But just in case, they've dug up an expert who can - one Brad Bushman, a communications and psychology professor at Ohio State University:
"...I've been doing research on violent media for 20 years, and the evidence is that it leads to aggressive behavior. It's not the only factor that leads to violence, but it's one of them."
What evidence? Bushman doesn't offer any. But seriously, is this guy a credible authority? What is he supposed to say? "After doing research on violent media for 20 years, I have found no connection between said media and any violent acts, leading me to conclude that...I've wasted my life"?
Drowning Pool refuses to be libeled, and retorted thusly:
"'Bodies' was written about the brotherhood of the mosh pit and the respect people have for each other in the pit. If you push others down, you have to pick them back up. It was never about violence. It's about a certain amount of respect and a code."
The statement added: "For someone to put out a video misinterpreting a song about a mosh pit as fuel for a violent act shows just how sick they really are."
"Sick"? Jeez, didn't the band get the memo that Loughner killed innocents because Sarah Palin ordered him to do so? Talk about being behind the times...
Drowning Pool wasn't finished, however, and fired a few more shots (!) from their website:
The Washington Post ran an article on “Bodies” and the Tucson shootings today. But instead of telling the whole story, the writer decided to edit what we had to say in order to make it seem like we were somehow responsible for what happened last weekend.
He left out some really important facts. Where did the part about us performing for the troops go? Where was the mention of us helping to pass a bill in support of our soldiers? If you want to let readers form their own opinions of who we are and what we support, include all of the info!
We find it inappropriate to imply that our song or rock music in general is to blame for this tragic event. It is premature to make this assumption without having all the facts in the case. It is just as likely that this horrible act was caused by the irresponsible and violent rhetoric used by mainstream media outlets such as the Washington Post.
Listening to Drowning Pool music does not make you a bad person. Misleading people does.
They are right, of course, and it is somewhat appropriate and ironic that a metal band would understand more about responsibility and decency than our mainstream media, and show more intelligence and depth in responding to this event than just about any member of the liberal intelligentsia who has fouled the airwaves with their putrid pontifications on the Tuscon massacre.
Drowning Pool draws the correct conclusions about right and wrong. The Left cares not about this nexus, only about what advances their agenda. They tried to use a metal band for that end, and were stymied when D-Pool turned out to be smarter than they were.
You know, I think there's a pattern here....