So Mr Rosmah has given a warning and threat “Don’t try Egypt-style power grab in Malaysia. Don’t think that what is happening there must also happen in Malaysia. We will not allow it to happen here.”
Well Mr Rosmah I do not believe that you are greater or higher that the wrath of the people nor are you immune to Allah’s punishment. Thinking that because you are in the position to control, buy and bribe certain people, you cannot be unseated. Today PDRM, AG, Army, MACC, Judiciary, EC and cronies are behind you but the moment you stop giving them projects, land and money they are the very ones who will strip and hang you to dry. One cannot run away from the RAHMAN belief, plus you have the old fart and that first lady whore who is constantly out to compete with your position, shaking the boat. The people are not blind and deaf, it is you, the arrogant bastard who cannot see that.
The people’s numerous woes are cronyism and corruption. People like Mahathir, Daim, Pak Lah, Yaakob, Khairy, Nazri, Rais, Ng Yen Yen, Zambry and many more dinosaurs may have got away but it is you, who is destined to face the wrath of Destiny because of what first lady whore had done to Altantuya, Canny and others. It is just a matter of time before the files are open for public viewing that Altantuya was NOT the only one whose life was taken without mercy by both of you.
So continue feeding your cronies, threaten us, continue to use dirty tactics, use money to bribe and buy people’s heart. Be wary THE WRATH OF THE MALAYSIANS WILL BE WORST THAN THE EGYPTIANS.