President Obama has been reaching out to Business, reminding them that things are getting better, and that Democrats are not anti-business, and he is not their enemy. Well, ya gotta give him credit for tryin'.
Monday, he addressed a meeting of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. This is as staunchly Republican an organization as can be found, and one which spent $75 million to defeat Democrats in the mid-terms. Obama told the Chamber he was willing to work with them to continue the recovery, tweak the tax code and reduce unnecessary regulations. But he also asked them to get off their gold-plated asses, spend some of their record profits, and help out by hiring some people. His speech was met by stony faces, half-hearted applause, and requests for lots more tax cuts.
Earlier, the President had asked Business for their ideas on job creation. As a reply, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Cal) arranged to send him a one-sided bitch-list from 200+ PACs and industry advocacy groups. Just a little light reading from outfits like the Aircraft Owners & Pilots Assoc., the American Beverage Assoc., the American Chemistry Council, the American Meat Institute, the National Mining Assoc., and the U.S. Council For Giving Business Every-Fucking-Thing They Ever Wanted.
This Darrell Issa guy is a real piece of work. He is now the Chairman of the House Oversight and Investigations Committee. As such, his job is to waste everyone's time and money by gumming up the works with endless probes of safety, environmental, banking, and insurance regulations. All for the benefit of Big Business, and by extension, Republicans.
How this slimy, unsavory criminal ever got elected to Congress, I don't know. He's one of those self-made men, a car alarm tycoon personally worth $250 million. But before he made his fortune, Issa was a punk -- a high school drop-out (who eventually earned a GED and college degree). He has been indicted for auto theft, insurance fraud, illegally carrying a concealed handgun and a tear-gas gun (a tear-gas gun?), and was suspected of arson in a total loss fire at the offices of his own company.
And this is the man in charge of oversight and investigation? Who's in charge of the oversight and investigation of Darrell Issa?