Some say those are the four most beautiful words in the English language, signalling as they do the start of spring training and another baseball season. I won't argue with that, but if spring's right around the corner, it's hard to tell from where I sit.
The roads may be clear but the ground is still blanketed in white everywhere you look. After our recent ice storm, my backyard resembles a hockey rink. Underneath all the ice are a million sticks and twigs that came down during the storm; on top are frozen dog turds.
But enough of that. Spring will come, and indeed pitchers and catchers do report tomorrow, followed soon enough by the full squads. Roughly half the teams have spring training camps in Florida (The Grapefruit League) while the rest of them head to Arizona (The Cactus League). Both are fine, warm places to be right about now.
This year, both the Reds and the Indians will be in Arizona. Buster has just one piece of advice: "Please try not to get shot!"
Other than that, play ball!