Monday, February 21, 2011

Sometimes spiritual help is needed

No matter how rich a person may be, there comes a time when money cannot buy back health or the past.

Samsuddin first wife had been in coma for the past 18 years. She had not witness her children growing up nor known of her grandchildren.

Meantime Samsuddin had gone from being a nobody to a millionaire then a pauper and now almost a millionaire again. Thanks to his good fortune of being one of Daim's nominees he is what he is today a pariah. Sam lost his head and became arrogant when he married his South African maid, Allah then taught him a beautiful lesson. The maid cheated and stole all his assets, took the children and got Sam kicked out from South Africa.

When he came back to Malaysia, he had to borrow money from his relatives and friends. Since Samsuddin knows of Daim's dirty dealing, the former got a second chance. So has Sam learnt his lesson? I don't think so.

Sam's first wife does not need our pity. The children should have the courage to let her go. Whatever she has done in the past, time has long gone.
