Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kasich: Bob Evans Has "Shabby" Health Care; So Let's All Get Shabby!

Another day, another pearl of wisdom from Kasich, the Wonder Guv.

Yesterday, John-Boy commented that when he goes to a Bob Evans restaurant and sees "a woman working in there who doesn't have a pension and I don't even know that she has health care benefits, and if she does, they're shabby at best, to ask public workers to do a little more to provide balance to that mom who is trying to educate her kids -- it's fairness."

What a spectacularly ignorant thing to say! Instead of aspiring to raise all boats, Kay-suck is advocating going the other direction, dragging more people down to a lower level. Instead of trying, as a state and as a society, to help the waitress obtain better benefits and more financial security, he wants to take those things away from others so maybe our waitress might somehow feel better about her circumstances. It's "misery loves company" as social policy, and it's simple-minded dumb-fuckery.

Cutting labor rights, pay, and benefits for public workers does nothing to help our waitress. Making those folks pay more for their pensions and health care doesn't give those benefits to her, and it doesn't help educate her kids. Calling it fair and balanced is just Fox-speak, and it's bullshit.

One last thought: This "shabbiness for one, shabbiness for all" rationale is strangely socialistic, especially coming as it does from our Tea-bagging, Libertarian-leaning Guv. I wonder if he's noticed that. Probably not.