Friday, April 22, 2011

Larry Sabato's Alternate-Reality 2012 Electoral Map

The director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, Larry Sabato - also the "go-to" guy for the mainstream media when they need to interpet results in a "Democratic" way - has released a preliminary electoral map for the 2012 elections. And what a surprise - it fits right in with the convention wisdom we've been hearing for the last few weeks, that Obama is a lock for re-election in 2012.

Take a look at his map (self-explanatory, with yellow being the "toss-up"):

Now take a look at a map of the 2010 mid-term elections:

Florida a "toss-up"? Really? In a state where Obama's approval ratings are hovering in the BP range? Wisconsin as "lean Democratic"? Ask Joanne Kloppenberg , and the stunned Wisconsin unions, about that. Same with Pennsylvania, which seems to love "fracking" for national gas, while rapidly falling out of love with one Barack Hussein Obama.

A propaganda piece? Or a work of lazy thinking and conventional wisdom in a time when both have been turned on their head?

Expect Sabato's map to be bathed in red when we look at the final results in November of 2012...