Thursday, April 14, 2011

Planned Parenthood under attack in budget debate, yet again

Remember when teachers, public employees, Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS crashed the stock market, wiped out half of our 401Ks, took trillions in TARP money, spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico, and gave themselves billions in bonuses? Yeah, me neither.

The House approved a bi-partisan funding plan for the government earlier today. The bill, which would make cuts of nearly $38 billion from the 2011 spending plan, is now seeking approval from the Senate. Although the measure calls for $23 billion less in cuts from the budget than House Republicans originally sought, it comes with several conservative incentives.

One part of the bill in particular would block federal money from funding Planned Parenthood. What a disaster. This makes me so angry.

Why are some Republican Party leaders determined to defund Planned Parenthood? When are they going to wake up and realize that Planned Parenthood is not the enemy? Fact is, more than 90 percent of the care women receive from Planned Parenthood is preventative. Another fact, one in five women resort to Planned Parenthood for help at least once in their lifetime. Why someone would want to rip federal funding from an institution that provides lifesaving, preventive health care services, including cancer screenings, STD and HIV testing among many other things, is beyond me.