Monday, September 27, 2010

How Low Can We Go?

These days, there is no better proof of the increasing stupidity of the average American than the apparent influence of so-called TEA Party candidates. Let's touch on two of them, just for fun:

Christine O'Donnell, Republican for U.S. Senate, Delaware
Opposes any form of birth control
Favors total abstinence
In 2003, said she was a "young woman in my 30's and I remain chaste"
Equates masturbation with loss of virginity
Opposed to abortion for any reason
Wants to teach creationism in the public schools
Opposed to all stem cell research
Called homosexuality an "identity disorder"
In favor of offshore oil drilling in Delaware
And of course, in the 1980's, she "dabbled in witchcraft"

Sharron Angle, Republican for U.S. Senate, Nevada
Wants to eliminate the U.S. Dept. of Education
Would provide no federal funding to low-income public schools
Wants to phase out Social Security and Medicare and turn them over to for-profit private enterprises
In favor of eliminating the IRS and all income taxes
Thinks the USA should resign from the United Nations
Would ask the UN to move its headquarters to another country
Doesn't believe in global warming
Opposed to any gay rights
Opposed to abortion for any reason
Opposed to fluoride treatments in public water supplies
Would like to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964

And there are several others, like Pat Toomey of PA, Rand Paul of KY, Michelle Bachmann of MN, and of course, Caribou Barbie herself, Sarah Palin of the Planet Fox.

We should all be more than a little concerned that people like these have some traction in our society. Because, my friends, it's a very short stone's throw from these angry, ultra-conservative nut-jobs to truly dangerous, anti-social, cult-like movements like the Branch Davidians, the Freeman Ranch, and neo-Nazi militias.

The latter groups share a belief that their "cause" is righteous (especially when they toss religion into the mix). They have a hatred of government, and may even disavow the authority of government. Some believe they are not subject to US law, they pay no taxes, have no Social Security number, no drivers license. They believe that they are genuine patriots/disciples and that they are on the one true path. And they are heavily armed. Are the TEA Baggers that much different?

In previous posts, Buster has written that "Religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel." This is a deliberate paraphrasing of a comment from the 18th century British author Samuel Johnson. Dr. Johnson's actual words were, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."

Think about it.