Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Send The Little Dead-Beat A Bill!

A few years ago, failed Ohio gubernatorial candidate Jim Petro (R) ran a TV ad trying to show that he was a God-fearing right-to-lifer. It featured a lingering image of a pacifier placed on a Bible. How convincing! Congressional candidate Steve Stivers (R) may have outdone Petro when it comes to treacly, gag-inducing, lowest-common-denominator imagery.

His latest TV spot features a close-up of his infant daughter in her crib. The voice-over invites us to "Meet Sarah, Steve Stivers' daughter." (Aww, babies are so cute!) "Her share of the national debt is $35,000." The voice goes on to explain how this is entirely the fault of Stivers opponent, Mary Jo Kilroy. (I knew it!)

What a classy jackass you are, Stivers! Your baby's not even six months old, she has no fucking clue what's going on, doesn't even really know who you are, and already you're using her for your own political benefit. You're a shameless turd.

And since Sarah owes so much, Buster says we send her little dead-beat ass a bill right now! Pay up!