...and counting. Because privately-owned hospitals, built by doctors, are inherently evil because they are...privately-owned.
Nancy Pelosi turns out to be the honest one, when she taunted us about needing to pass the bill to know what was inside it. Obama just plug-out lied to us, assuring us this bill would expand the availability of medical treatment, when it is actually written in a way that will intentionally curtail it:
Physician Hospitals of America says that construction had to stop at 45 hospitals nationwide or they would not be able to bill Medicare for treatments...
Kenneth Artz of the Heartland Institute explains, "Section 6001 of the health care law effectively bans new physician-owned hospitals (POHs) from starting up, and it keeps existing ones from expanding."
This little-noticed but particularly egregious aspect of Obamacare is, by all accounts, a concession to the powerful American Hospital Association (AHA), a supporter of Obamacare, which prefers to have its member hospitals operate without competition from hospitals owned by doctors. Dr. Michael Russell, president of Physician Hospitals of America, which has filed suit to try to stop this selective building-ban from going into effect, says, "There are so many regulations [in Obamacare] and they are so onerous and intrusive that we believe that the section [Section 6001] was deliberately designed so no physician owned hospital could successfully comply."
So Pelosi destroyed one set of medical practitioners in order to win the support of another, and Obama blithely signed off. Evil and ignorance is a deadly mix, as we will all soon discover if the Republicans fail to defund Obamacare...
But why would Pelosi (and possibly Obama, assuming he is smart enough to be a witting accomplice) want to create a scarcity in medical treatment?
Simple: When there is scarcity in a commodity deemed a necessity to a society, it must then be rationed out. And who better to ration out medical treatment than the government? And what easier way to run a ration-based medical system than through "single-payer"?
Pelosi wrote the bill in such a way not to actually "solve" the health care "crisis", but to create a bigger one. And with the government already having its foot deeply into the hospital door via ObamaCare, she knew all it would take would be a shoulder to the old four-panel to bust the whole thing down, and take the entire health care system under the government's dark wing.
And Obama, knowing it could not be spoken openly, blithely lied about the bill's intent to the people that elected him, and trusted him, from top to bottom. And the media in turn lied to all the people who had once trusted them to keep the powerful in check, counting on their naivety instead as a tool to sell them the Democrat's foul product. And they both wonder why we the people don't believe a single word either one of them says, and react as if calling us stupid will somehow shame us into agreeing that up is down and black is white...
And meanwhile, hospitals that were once built with ease are now grounded to a halt, as Obama smirks and the lines begin to form...