My two sen worth of this nonsense the palace of Selangor is talking about and knows that the Sultan of Selangor has a hand in the crisis presently faced by the Selangor State Government.
The Sultan of Selangor if he wants to can always stand down or refuse to co-operate with the Federal Government anytime if wishes to.
My old man used to work with the Federal Government and had encountered many incidents with the palaces where the Sultans would refuse to acknowledge or sign anything till they get projects or money in return from Mahathir or him.
In 2008 if one remember the Royal Household of Terengganu, Kedah, Perak and Perlis had took a stand and refused to accept the person chosen as the Menteri Besar for these states. So what happened, were promises, projects and money not given?
It's high time that the Royal Household do not take us for a fool. Where projects and money goes the Royal Household will just follow the scent. Simply put they are greedy and corrupted like our Politicians full stop.
As for that Khusrin guy you will be surprise at how young and innocent (virgin) 12 to 14 years girls were forced to have sex with him, then the ones got caught in khalwat had to submit their bodies and ass also to him and several Jais members and the amount of sex CDs kept in Jais office for their illegal activities can open a small outlet selling them. Is it because of his position in Jais and now with the Kavita whore files in his procession the Sultan of Selangor is silent or afraid or are they buddy too in screwing helpless young girls? Surprisingly why no-one is showing the evidence that is needed now.
Maybe it is time for the people to get rid of the Sultans for good like how Mahathir clipped their wings in 1993.
Can we get a petition going? In the meantime the Sultan of Selangor can stop giving wonderful speeches on how frustrated he is that the Selangor state government is not doing enough for us. The Selangor state government with all the obstacles faced daily did more work for us Selangorians for the past two years compare to BN 55 years. Yes the money and projects were not that many given to the Royal Household but still they were well taken care off. Is it that difficult to care and think of the Selangorians just for once or must we starve and forsake our children so that the Sultan of Selangor can continue to live lavishly and in SIN?