SOUTHERLAND: I want to say something about, you know, Donna's comments.

BRAZILE: Now, remember, you're a freshman.
SOUTHERLAND: I remember. I remember. But let me say this...
BRAZILE: And I'm your first woman on national TV, other than Christiane. Now, be careful.
Be careful of what, exactly? Is that a threat? What respect does any Congressman, regardless of seniority, obligated to show a functionary of the opposition party? Is Brazile promising to call him out as misogynist if he pointed out her inability to speak truthfully? And is it a positive that she didn't point out the color of her skin as well, as the final warning, or was that a threat that need not be spoken, as it was implicit within the first two?
Southerland wasn't cowed, though. Good for him. Part of being a Republican these days is getting used to threats by the opposition against your career, yourself, and your family.
But Brazile does sum up liberalism worldview quite well with her bluster. I'm a liberal, I'm a woman, and I'm black, so I have absolute moral authority. You? You're just a whitely newbie. So know you place, and sit quietly while I lie about you. Or else.
Thanks for showing America the "true colors" of the Democratic party, Donna. Any more moments of honesty like that, though, and the Democrats will be relegated to "rump party" status in 2012...