Sunday, February 20, 2011

Everything's Bigger In Texas -- Especially The A-Holes

On the right is Big Rick Perry. He's the current Governor of Texas. On the left is Big Charles Whitman. He's the former University of Texas student who in 1966 climbed the school's bell tower with a rifle and killed 16 people before being killed himself.

What do they have in common? Somehow, they both think it makes perfect sense to bring guns onto a college campus.

You see, Texas is ready to allow concealed carry of firearms on all its campuses. Most of their state senators have signed onto a bill which would make it legal, and their belligerent blow-hard of a governor is all for it (as if you couldn't tell).

"It's strictly a matter of self-defense," said state senator Jeff Wentworth. "I don't want what happened at Virginia Tech, where some madman is able to pick off totally defenseless kids like sitting ducks."

I don't want that either, Senator. Nobody does. But when your self-defense butts up against my personal safety, I believe you have to check your six-shooters at the bar, pardner. There's a direct correlation between the number of guns per capita and the frequency of gun violence. And a campus-full of sparked-up, liquored-up college kids packin' heat does not make me feel safer! Quite the contrary.

But Texas being Texas, it'll probably pass. Crazy assholes.