When Najib opens his mouth, we experience flood and hardship. That is our fate for having a weak and bad person who is born with a silver spoon and with only knowledge and no moral.
For the past few weeks I tried very hard to look at the good side of Najib but found that his bad is more than his good.
So how can I be blame for being upset, frustrated and having a feeling of being cheated and misled by a leader that 27 million including me did not choose or want? Najib was given the premiership because Rosmah bribed Pak Lah with a RM200 million carrot. And with that those few thousand PARIAHS in UMNO are proud of.
UMNO has no pure Malays but CAP PA LUNG from
Abusive language is like a hoe, which is an object for digging into and cutting down. It is an instrument of destruction for ruffians who speak foul language. It only arises in the mouths of fools whoever praises those who deserve to be condemned or condemns those who deserve to be praised.
I am offended when Najib said “that the plight of the rakyat was uppermost in the Government’s mind when it decided not to increase the price of RON 95 petrol, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas causing a heavier financial burden and does not constitute good governance. It may be a bit difficult for the people to understand this but for those who know ELEMENTARY Economics, they will understand.”
Excuse me! Najib thinks that those with degree in Economic only understand what he is bullshitting. There are millions like me balancing the household expenditure without a certificate. We learnt from experience by not repeating our mistake. UMNO Government cannot do that because they keep on repeating their mistakes. Take the example of APs. Why is the Government giving FREE money to RICH cronies, generation after generation? The Gold Reserve that were transferred out by Mahathir, Daim, Yaakob, Pak Lah, Khairy, Zeti, Vincent Tan and Rosmah into their private vault. Bring that back. The logging and Petronas money, where did they go? Profit from Rice and Sugar into which Sendiri Pockets. EPF and Zakat duit pergi mana? You want me to continue? Until Najib is bury six feet underground pun tak habis, habis. That is how long we were cheated and con by UMNO. Today we can still collect back RM200 billion from these Rich Cronies. It is just a matter of WANT or DON’T WANT. So stop giving excuses about subsidies.
UMNO Government must and is obliged to take care of the Rakyat. That is call good governance. Looking after a handful of gold diggers is immoral.
When Najib and family went to
UMNO, a one race party with many holes is judging others like DAP which has many races as members, should consider themselves lucky that they are still around.
I believe many Malaysians will not bow to money but will bow to the cause of righteousness when the 13th General Election is call.