Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Debt Ceiling Impasse -- The Takeaway
This Monday night President Obama went on TV to address the nation about the urgent need to avoid federal default by raising the debt ceiling now. He spoke the truth about the stupid and recalcitrant House Republican Tea-bag freshmen. He gave a compliment to Speaker Boehner for at least attempting a compromise deal, and asked all of us to contact Congress to urge an end to all this shit. (DC phone lines and servers were maxed out by the flood of calls and emails.) Allowing default of the U.S. government over something so routine would be inexpressibly asinine.
Next up, career-hack Boehner's orange mug appeared on the screen. He spoke mealy-mouthed lies and distortions in an effort to appease the torch-and-pitchfork segment of the House R's. He hauled out all the tired old bumper-sticker slogans about cutting taxes, capping spending, balancing the budget, and living within our means (which have nothing to do with the fucking issue at hand!). The word "compromise" never crossed his sweaty lips.
I do not know how all this will end. Badly, I fear. It's a dangerous game, and most unnecessary. But here's the takeaway:
Today's Republicans are "ends justify the means" types, and their fervently desired end is the destruction of the Obama presidency at any cost. Government default? Spiking interest rates? Economic crash? You and me up Shit Creek? They don't care about any of that. They just want to take down Obama. It's the suicide bomber mentality.
And here's the rest of the takeaway:
If you want a modicum of honesty, order, reasonableness and integrity in your public leaders, vote Democrat.
If you want foamy-mouth bat-shit crazy, vote Republican.