Saturday, July 2, 2011
Our Human Rights and Dignity have been thrashed repeatedly
Since Najib took over as Premier, many ugly scenes have occurred. I have said it many times before Najib and Rosmah are not human beings who care for the people. Their aim is to only enrich themselves more and be a dictator. Najib and Rosmah are typical materialistic people who have no souls. Those who have watch Rosmah sex video and the one on her ill treatment on her own family members especially her own father and daughter will know the truth. Even all the Civil Servants are sick of her. Given a choice they do not want to have anything to do with her.
The people leading UMNO are no difference from Rosmah. At every opportunity they will come up with this and that project that does not work. They spent lavishly, taking their lovers and entourage of 20 – 200 members who have no business to be there, to makan angin. Everything is first class and by the millions.
It is interesting that Rosmah said Permata programme is for all groups. Given only to the Malays and Tamil-Muslim is not for all. Maybe she meant her group of friends.
Next is the Tukar programme run by Domestic Trade. This Tukar program is only meant for Mamak Runcit. A loan of RM20,000 – RM60,000 is given, no need to service. But since the government wants the support of the Indians, they have come up with this scheme for the Tamil-Muslim. So that is why you see those Mamak going everywhere to protest with Perkasa, Khairy and Ezam Nor.
Directive from Prime Minister’s, EPU and Domestic Trade is that ABSOLUTELY NO HELP SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE CHINESE AND CHINESE MUSLIM. This order was given since October 2010.
In Johore, a Malay man tried to get financial assistance for medical and daily expenses from Welfare and UMNO, for his only disable child. The Welfare and UMNO told him that they can only help, if he divorces his Chinese wife or declare her dead.
I myself being a Chinese Muslim have encountered similar situation with UMNO and certain Ministry. If everything works out, I will do a book on this. Then you will understand UMNO Baru is not for the people of all races.
Chinese and Christians are constantly been bashed up by the Malay groups. Every single protests since Najib became Prime Minister has been against the Chinese and Christians. Now Communism is brought up to frighten the Malays into thinking that the Chinese and Christians want Communism. But it is the UMNO government who is working hand in hand with the Communist Party. One good example is Najib’s son who had spent time there and Rosmah is now training him to be the next Premier. Rosmah wants to follow Lee Kuan Yew’s way. When Najib retires, Hisham will take over then her own son. So you see Mahathir is not the only one with ambitious aim.
Bersih is about fair elections. We have seen all the cheating, bribing and thug ways for each and every election. Barisan Nasional rather UMNO has money, police, army and EC support. All the machinery money can buy. Even Royalties are bought with projects after projects.
All these ugly things are not something new. But the daily increase on bashing the Chinese and Christians are getting out of hands. Now UMNO has used the mosques and surau for their dirty jobs. What does the Sultan of Selangor has to say about this?
Come 9th July 2011 no matter what, the CHINESE AND CHRISTIANS AND OPPOSITION will be the SCAPE GOAT.
IA and Khairy have Mat Rempit under their armpit. Why do you think the Mat Rempits are brazen going here and there protesting, demanding and doing damages to properties and throwing animals’ head and shouting for revenge against the Chinese, Christians and the Opposition. Where were the Police and FRU when Perkasa, UMNO Youth, Mat Rempit and certain Malay group are shouting and yelling in so many protests like this country belong to them only? You see trunk load of Police and FRU? Has Royalty ever sided the opposition or for the people? Every time the Royalty comes out with ROYAL ADVICE for the people to OBEY UMNO. Are we so low that we do not have the brain to think?
MCA and MIC leaders are silent on this. I did ask them and their replies are simple. As long as UMNO take care of me and my cronies, the other members will just follow without thinking. We have learnt the art from UMNO who just take care 114 leaders and everything fall into place. We are not stupid like Anwar who wants to take care all the people.