Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced on Sunday he'll seek the Republican Presidential nomination.
Prayerful Perry is a born-again Tea Party conservative Evangelical in cowboy boots with a big streak of cocky arrogance. Those who know him well will say, privately, that Perry possesses "an uncluttered mind." Sound familiar? He plays with guns, and sucks up to John Hagee and to the NRA. Texas proudly leads the nation in executions, low-wage jobs, and lack of health care.
Big Rick has said that President Obama is a Socialist. He has suggested that Texas might secede from the Union (again). At his recent big-ass public prayer meeting (should we not automatically be suspicious of any politician, especially a would-be President, who leads a prayer meeting?), Pious Perry told the throng that "Hope for America lies in Heaven, and we'll find it on our knees," and that "As a nation, we must call on Jesus to guide us."
OK, that's where I get off! Holier-than-thou politicians make me puke. And this highlights the problem for Republicans: they can't attract any reasonable candidates. Bachmann, Ron Paul, Santorum, Palin, now Perry -- all they get is wacked out nut-jobs! Tea-Baggers, Libertarians, and God-Squaders!
The only moderate R is Romney, if you consider Mormonism to be moderation. And he's so moderate, there's nothing there -- just an empty suit with a haircut on top.