Tuesday, August 9, 2011

WaPo's Richard Cohen gets a moment of clarity....

...but it's only a moment.  Still, it is always interesting to see which truths the Left are confessing to; because if it has gotten inside the head of the self-proclaimed liberal intelligentsia, it likely penetrated 90% of the remainder of the country long ago...

Cohen's column is yet another liberal "excuse piece" for the failure of their god-king, as he blames a "cold" Obama for being unable to show any empathy for the suffering of the American people.

Obama has always been the man he is today. He is the very personification of cognitive dissonance — the gap between what we (especially liberals) expected of the first serious African American presidential candidate and the man he in fact is....

[Drew] Westen faults Obama for his lack of storytelling abilities. But this is because Obama is himself the story. Consider for a moment that Obama’s account of how he had to fight to get medical coverage for his dying mother is not exactly true. The White House’s response to this revelation was grudging silence. It did not dispute the story and it soon died. This was because the Obama story is not what he says but who he is. That remains unchanged, and so the very people who would pummel a Republican for such a mischaracterization were silent about Obama’s. Obama did not deign to reply. He does not have to.

I'm assuming that when Cohen says "He does not have to" reply, he's implying it is due to the fact that the same people who would get all up in a Republican's face over a similar (or lesser) issue have refused to confront Obama over getting caught red-handed engaging in bald-faced lying.

It's an interesting confession, and highlights why it's much more than the president's demeanor that's turning off Americans -  because despite Barack Obama having a "kid-gloves" relationship with the media, he still cannot win folks over to his agenda of high-tax socialism. And yet, illiberal leftists such as John Kerry have the nerve to threaten the media for spending too much time telling "the other side" of the story...

But just in case you think Cohen has had a "scales falling from his eyes" moment here, do not delude yourself:

Obama is the very soul of common sense. As he talks, I nod my head in agreement. Mostly, I think, he has done the right thing.

There's another admission in the statement above, but that's a post for another day...